Membership Mentor with Ryan Kearns

Building a high cash flow, recurring income membership site, with todays top online marketing tactics and strategies.

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Friday Nov 08, 2019

In this episode we talk about who we are serving and why we should start there.
I have done this wrong so many times
Now I finally know what the right way to do it is.
You've got to start with who, and go from there, connecting with people.
It is much easier to do that than it is to start with what and trying to find the who later.
Let's see what that looks like...

Tuesday Oct 29, 2019

This is one of the most real episodes you will ever hear. 
We are going to talk about the FEAR that stops all of us from moving forward.
The first time I articulated this fear to myself, it changed my life. 
This is that story, and hopefully it changes how you look at things too. :) Let's do this...

Thursday Oct 24, 2019

In this episode we explore the difference between content that goes inside your course or membership site vs. content that is used for marketing purposes. 
Planning these things is essential, but there is a big difference between the two types of content.
Follow this for figuring out how to plan your content before you go crazy trying to create all types of plans for content and lose site of your goal!
Let's do this...

Tuesday Oct 22, 2019

In this episode, we are talking about how to grow an audience when you are just starting out and don't have one yet.
It is a tough road, and I used to think that I needed thousands of fans in order to be successful.
Here's the truth about that, and you might be surprised...

Wednesday Oct 16, 2019

This episode is about mindset and getting to the place of not quitting.
So many times failure is feared, but quitting is failure in disguise.
If you quit things in the past and didn't follow through, you have to hear this episode today, and take action!

Thursday Oct 10, 2019

In this episode, we talk about taking your content and organizing it for people to generate success by watching it.
If you want to have a highly successful course or membership site, it all starts with the content that you put into the course, and the mindset we have around how to create that course.
From there, we can create something that actually generates results for our students, clients, and customers.
Let's do this!

Tuesday Oct 08, 2019

This episode is all about the research phase and what's involved...
It's about starting a project from scratch and where to look for information int he very beginning of the journey...
Where do we find people who want what we have?
How do we find out what their problems are?
How do we figure out how they speak about those problems?
How do we find the solutions that they truly want and need?
Let's talk about it!

Wednesday Oct 02, 2019

In this episode we are going to talk about the challenges with launching and becoming an entrepreneur.
No, it isn't all fun, games, and roses.
Sometimes, (many times) there are challenges that will hold us back.
It is best to know these challenges ahead of time so we can level the playing field and keep your head in the game!

Monday Sep 30, 2019

In this episode we talk about some tips and tactics to keeping a mindset worth moving forward towards your goals for the long term!
=> How to keep it pushing when times get tough.
=> How to know if you are on the right path.
=> How to take back control of your mindset without hitting the wall.

Tuesday Sep 24, 2019

In this episode we talk about choosing a topic. 
Where do we start when thinking about a topic, and how does it become the topic that we are going to stick to for the long term? How do we know if the topic will be successful or a failure before we start spending lots of time and money on it? 
Let's talk about it in this episode of Membership Mentor.

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